Program Components

The MTA program is located on the Wesleyan University campus and includes classrooms, a kitchen, laundry room and communal space for group socialization and activities. Transportation is provided to and from job sites and community activities. The population served includes students with varying levels of ability and disability categories including: intellectual disabilities, significant learning disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders, and executive dysfunction.
- Life skills instruction
- Social advocacy skills
- Functional academics
- Career assessment and evaluation
- Vocational training
- Job seeking / job maintenance skills
- Social Skills
- Transportation training
- Recreational and leisure skills
- Independent living skills
Academic instruction targets skills based upon student need with emphasis on functional skill application and consistent with student’s IEP goals and objectives. Skills learned in the classroom will be transfered and utilized in the community.
Independent Living
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Independent Living
Independent living skills including cooking, cleaning and forward planning are taught by special education teachers in the classroom, on campus and in the Middletown community. Students navigate through a coached, supervised, independent schema to maximize their autonomy.
Vocational Training
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Vocational Training
Career assessments are conducted to identify strengths, interests and abilities. Student internships are located at a variety of work sites on and off campus. Job coach support is available as needed, and faded to maximize independence.
Is your company or organization interested in partnering with the Academy for job training for our qualiified young adults? Please give us a call at 860-358-9583.
Community Participation
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Community Participation
Middlesex Transition Academy is a community based program. Students engage with the community through shopping, banking, and a membership at a local gym. Recreational outings may include museums, restaurants or nature walks and occur in and around the Middletown community on a weekly basis. Students work toward independent outings and can utilize public transportation to navigate around the community.
Training on public transportation and handicap accessible rides can be provided. Modified curriuculum to study for a Connecticut driver's license is available.
Social skills training is provided and includes individualized and group instruction. Groups are led by a certified social worker and a speech and language pathologist. Opportunities are provided for socialization and recreation with Wesleyan University students.
As a community based program, students are faced with multiple opportunities to problem solve and make choices and decisions throughout their day. Direct instruction is also provided about disability awareness, self-disclosure, and self-advocacy strategies. There are continuous learning experiences as students encounter new and challenging situations that they process through with their peers and teachers to evaluate their responses and build on their knowledge of appropriate actions and reactions.
Related Services
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Related Services
- A social worker provides counseling services designed to meet student needs.
- A speech and language pathologist provides direct and consultative services.
- A licensed psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) provides consultation
Adult Service Agency Coordination
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Adult Service Agency Coordination
The team at MTA works closely with students, families and sending districts to ensure a smooth transition to adult agencies as appropriate.